The Anointed Call of Leadership

The Anointed Call of Leadership

Tracey Jones
We are thrilled to release our 32nd Life-Changing Classic - the first one to feature a female leader! A peasant girl, an agent of God, a heroine of France, and a canonized saint, Joan of Arc possessed seven virtues that enabled her to make history. She was a humble citizen turned military leader who took no title other than the Maid, rising up at a time of great social and political upheaval. This foundation was poured by the God-given anointing of leadership and cemented through history and circumstances. Read more...
Flatten Your Own Curve(s)

Flatten Your Own Curve(s)

Tracey Jones
We are entering week seven of our shelter in place and I have been watching to see when certain pieces of data would begin coming in. When the pandemic hit, it wasn’t the complete wipe (no pun intended) out of toilet paper in the stores that freaked me out, but rather an article I read stating Hostess Twinkies and Ding Dongs were in short demand due to panic buying. My critical thinking, health conscience, and sugar-free mind knew immediately this was a terrible marker for mankind... Read more
The Three Lanes of Life

The Three Lanes of Life

Tracey Jones
Every day we decide which lane we are going to traverse on the highway of our lives. Get by, get ahead, or get eternal? I'll be the first to admit that I have spent time in each lane. As I have matured in resources and knowledge, I have spent less and less time getting by and more time getting ahead. It was only in the past few years that I understood the highest form of existing is to ‘get eternal’. The events of the past few weeks have brought that timeless truth back to the forefront in a spectacular fashion... Read More
Social Distancing, NOT Mental Distancing

Social Distancing, NOT Mental Distancing

Tracey Jones
When an emergency disrupts our daily routine, we must keep our heads in the game. A crisis is chaotic, confusing, and complicated. In today's global and interconnected world, it is not a question of if an emergency will occur, but when. I recently published research on the effects of an organizational crisis. An event came from out of the left field and threw the two merging organizations into distress. Although the coronavirus pandemic we are experiencing is different in context, there are many similarities of what we can do as leaders and followers to turn confusion into confidence... Read More
It's Not Rude to Be Shrewd

It's Not Rude to Be Shrewd

Tracey Jones
My father, the late, great, book evangelist Charlie "Tremendous" Jones declared the more books he gave away, the richer he became. It seems like quite the paradox in today's cutthroat world of take or be taken. Was my father a sucker? Absolutely not. He was embodied by a great word we tend to look upon with disdain; he was shrewd... read more
The I Don't Care Bear

The I Don't Care Bear

Tracey Jones
There seems to be an emergence of another one of the clan, the I Don’t Care Bear. I have often said that in order for change to happen there needs to be two essentials present: the belief in the value of what you are trying to do and a reasonable expectation of success. In order for these two precursors to line up so you can catapult toward change...
Discipleship - New Release

Discipleship - New Release

Tracey Jones
I recently had my dissertation published titled Perceptions Of Leader Effectiveness In An Organizational Crisis: A Case Study Of Follower Self-Efficacy and it contains a great deal of research on followers. You see, leadership is impossible without devoted followers. No matter how adept or gifted the leader, how compelling the vision, or how sure success, without devotees, your strategic plan will never grow legs and move into action.
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

Tracey Jones
For some of you, 2019 was the best year of your life; for others, you're ready to crawl out of the worst year of your life. And for others, 2019 was a combination of both. There's a great song titled, Bittersweet Symphony, which refers to the ups and downs of life. The Bible verifies this symphony as significant times in life in Ecclesiastes 3:4—a time to cry and a time to laugh; a time to grieve and a time to dance. 
Don't be a 'Why'ner.

Don't be a 'Why'ner.

Tracey Jones
You can’t hear what you’re supposed to do with your life if you aren’t in an environment conducive to listening. There is a ridiculous amount of noise and clutter flooding our modern-day minds. Here are some simple things to unlock any spiritual, physical, or mental blockage preventing the blessing pipeline from being turned on fully.
A Tremendous Fall

A Tremendous Fall

Tracey Jones
I am thrilled to be back in touch with our tremendous tribe after the past month and a half. The month of October was one of the most challenging and blessed months of my entire life. I can scarcely believe what transpired during the course of those 31 days, and I am excited to share with you what I learned.
Excited or Entrenched

Excited or Entrenched

Tracey Jones
The landscape of our lives is constantly changing which wreaks a great deal of havoc on humans who would often rather die than change. We lose relationships and our health, we miss once in a lifetime and repeated opportunities, yet we continue to blame everyone but ourselves.
Producing a Tremendous Harvest

Producing a Tremendous Harvest

Tracey Jones
Here comes my favorite season of the year—fall. I can see the day’s becoming slightly shorter; I watch for a leaf or two to begin transitioning to flames of gold and red; I hear and see the birds starting their migration to their new home. In South Central PA, the harvest is a sight to behold. This year's rain and sun ratio were magnificent. I have never seen fields of corn as high and green as the ones that fill our landscape. Autumn is the time of year when we look to the harvest and reap the products of our labor.
Without Ambition, We Are All Butt Dust

Without Ambition, We Are All Butt Dust

Tracey Jones
Hello tremendous tribe! Although school is out for summer, yours truly has been up to her eyeballs in writing and rewriting my dissertation research on the Theory of Motivation. I interviewed 28 individuals who went through a merger, which turned into a crisis. Part of this study is about resiliency. If you are an innately resilient person, external events don't matter much. You can do a merger a day, no matter how chaotic, and remain grounded. If you're not resilient, it’s all bad, no matter the reality. Anytime we are faced with something outside our comfort zone, we have two options: to become excited or to become entrenched.
A Summer to Remember

A Summer to Remember

Tracey Jones
With the official kickoff of the next season upon us, I always reflect on my tremendous upbringing and how the time between academic years—known to most as ‘summer vacation’— was handled. For most young people, these next few months are a time of rest and relaxation; a time to turn off the alarm clocks, cease learning and enjoy fun in the sun. 
Don’t Go Excommunicado on Life

Don’t Go Excommunicado on Life

Tracey Jones

This weekend I treated myself to John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum. The movie did not disappoint, and I would highly recommend it. I love action flicks, especially when justice is meted out to bad guys who hurt good dogs! The movie centers on the fact that John Wick broke one of the assassin world’s rules and must now pay the price— along with anyone who aids or aided him. A recurring line used by various characters throughout the film is, "Every action has consequences." More valid words were never spoken, assassin, or not.

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